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IT Operational information

News | Publish date: 2 Dec 2022

We will update this page as soon as we have new information.

CM1 has now been available since around 13:00 today. We will continue working on any encountered issues and begin to catch up on the imports.

There may still be disruptions and delays in different areas of the service. If you encounter any issues, please let us know with a detailed description at support@cm1.se where we’ll take note of it and try to handle any outstanding issues as soon as we are able to. Expect delayed response times for our support for the upcoming period, but we’ll try to handle everything as quickly as we are able to.

2022-12-04 17:21
The situation remains as per the previous update.
The plan to make CM1 available tomorrow, Monday the 5th of December, still remains, but we have no further details to share as of now.

Any changes or new information will be published through this channel.

We’re awaiting further information later today and will share the next update at 21:00 by email.

2022-12-04 15:06

The situation remains as per the previous update.

The plan to make CM1 available tomorrow, Monday the 5th of December, still remains, but we have no further details to share as of now.

Any changes or new information will be published through this channel as well as at https://www.cm1.se/driftsinformation-incident/

The next update will be at 17:00

2022-12-04 12:56

Forensics analysis of the CM1 environment has been performed and found no signs of attempts to the environment.

We do not have an exact time to share yet, but we’re still working intensively to resume CM1 system functionality and estimate that CM1 will be made available tomorrow, Monday the 5th of December, with reservations for the possibility of delays. If anything changes, we’ll update you again.

We hope to be able to share a more detailed plan later this afternoon.

During the preparation for resumption of CM1 functionality we will share more detailed information prior to the service being made availble.

The next update will be at 15:00.

See an interview with our CEO about the current situation here

2022-12-03 6:34 pm

All network communication to CM1 is still disabled as a preventive measure in order to manage the security related incident.

Update is done here as well: https://www.cm1.se/driftsinformation-incident/

We have full understanding and respect for the consequence that this disruption means for our customers and your business. We’re working intensively with industry experts to manage the situation and resume system functionality.

We have received a strategy to receive full access to CM1.

An update on when CM1 can be fully accessible will be sent by 13 pm at latest tomorrow Sunday 4th December.

Alternative options to ensure that the most central aspects of CM1 can be made available will also be under evaluation.

We will do our best to be available and answer questions, but at the same time we want to inform that we may have longer response times than normal in the current situation. Our customers’ trust is our highest priority and we apologize for the current situation.

If anything changes before then they will also be communicated.

Read an interview with Softronics CEO here!

2022-12-03 2:07 pm
Softronic is handling a serious attempt to their environments

Softronic detected disruptions indicating that the environment was the subject of attempts from an external actor. Preventive measures were taken to prevent and manage the attempt, which has unfortunately resulted in extensive disruptions for us and our customers.

For CM1 we have no indication of any data breach as of now. Should Softronic be informed of, or detect, any breach we will inform you immediately.

Softronic is working intensively with industry experts to manage the situation and to be able to resume system functionality in a secure and controlled manner as soon as possible. The event is reported to the police and we’re working closely with our customers and authorities to find a solution to maintain continuity.

Since Friday 18:00 our email is working, as well as https://www.cm1.se/driftsinformation-incident/ where we will continue to publish updated information.

We have full understanding and respect for the consequence that this disruption means for our customers and your business. We are doing our best to be available and answer questions, but at the same time we want to inform that we may have longer response times than normal in the current situation. Our customers’ trust is our highest priority and we apologize for the current situation.

2022-12-03 10:35 am

All network communication to CM1 is still disabled as a preventive measure in order to manage the security related incident. Since Friday 18:00 our email is working as well as https://www.cm1.se/driftsinformation-incident/ where we will publish updated information.

We have full understanding and respect for the consequence that this disruption means for our customers and your business. We’re working intensively with industry experts to manage the situation and resume system functionality.

We will continuously inform about the situation as we have new information. We will do our best to be available and answer questions, but at the same time we want to inform that we may have longer response times than normal in the current situation. Our customers’ trust is our highest priority and we apologize for the current situation.

We’re currently working on alternative options to ensure that the most central aspects of CM1 can be made available.

New information will be sent by 7 pm at latest. If anything changes before then they will also be communicated.

2022-12-02 8 pm

As part of dealing with the security-related incident all network traffic to our IT operational customers is still down as a precaution. This means that several of our customers are affected.

Since today from 6 pm, our email and website are working, and we will regularly publish updated information.

We have full understanding and respect for the consequence that this disruption means for our customers and their business. We work intensively with industry experts to manage the situation and resume system functionality.

We will continuously inform about the situation as we have new information. We will do our best to be available and answer questions, but at the same time we want to inform that we may have longer response times than normal in the current situation. Our customers’ trust is our highest priority and we are working on a recover plan to resume system functionality for CM1.

Next update will be at 10 am.

2022-12-02 5:41 pm

CM1 is still unavailable.
https://www.cm1.se/driftsinformation-incident/ is available and we will update status regarding the incident there as well as communicate through mail.

Forensic is still ongoing and Softronic has yet no estimated time when CM1 can be up and running.

For CM1 we have no indication of any data breach. Should Softronic be informed of, or detect, any breach we will inform you immediately.
New update will be sent 8 pm.