Our services

Screening, KYC & Risk classification

Screening (PEP and sanctions) and risk classification of customers including continuous updates of Beneficial Owners and organisation representatives.

By using CM1 to perform due diligence on new and existing customers, you can easily and efficiently run checks on your customers against the PEP and Sanctions lists required by law. The controls can be done in real time via API, daily through continuous screening and manually.

With the CM1 risk engine you can categorize your customers based on the risk parameters you have identified in your business. Risk classification of customers can be done in real time via the API, as well as continuously throughout the business relationship.
Transaction monitoring rules can be set up with direct connection to different risk classes on customers.
To our risk engine we also have the additional services Specially exposed areas and Taxed Income.

Opportunity for daily updating of beneficial owners via domestic suppliers in Sweden, Norway and Finland are continuously checked against PEP and Sanction lists. It also is possible to use the CM1 API for checking Benificial Owners.

It is also possible to use information about ownership structures (SCO/Sanction Control Ownership) and adverse media.

Read more about KYC here:


Transaction monitoring and Real Time monitoring (RTM)

With CM1’s powerful and flexible transaction rules engine, you can continuously monitor your customers’ transactions. You can easily and flexibly configure rules for monitoring based on the risks you have identified in your business.​

In addition, CM1 also offers the option to use CM1’s award-winning pattern recognition with the help of AI. This is included in the CM1 ML service.​
In the Transaction Monitoring service, we also have the additional service Taxed Income.​

With CM1 software RTM (Real Time Monitoring) it is possible to capture suspicious behavior directly or over a longer period.

CM1 RTM analyzes a flow of transactions

  • Transactions are continuously checked in real time
  • You can choose which transactions and which information about the transactions you want to check.​​
  • There is a set of predefined monitoring rules, but it is also possible to add your own rule templates.​​
  • You can choose what happens when you get a result back.

Taxed income

Information that contributes to increased customer knowledge

  • With the help of the additional service Taxed income, you get access to the information about declared income.
  • The data on declared income can be collected automatically and will be presented as a range
  • The information can be used as supplementary customer knowledge and can be used in both risk assessment and transaction monitoring
  • Taxed income can be retrieved both by month and by year to obtain relevant comparative values ​​to use in different types of rules that look at different time periods.

Taxed income is shown in intervals for the periods you choose

  • The range is divided into two separate parameters with a minimum value and a maximum value
  • With separated parameters with fixed values, they can be directly used as comparison values ​​in transaction rules
  • It is also easier to use in the risk engine where the risk score can be defined as a range, which is then compared to the fixed value in the selected parameter.


Adverse Media

CM1 expands its functionality to now include negative publicity controls for both individuals and organizations. This control provides relevant information about potential negative publicity, important for assessing the risk profiles of both individuals and companies.

Adverse Media Screening – important part of the customer awareness process:

Adverse Media Screening (also called media coverage or negative news control) is a vital part of the customer awareness process. In short, it means that a customer, regardless of whether it is a person or an organization, is compared to negative news sources and databases. Through Adverse Media Screening, companies can identify potential problems at an early stage to avoid links to negative events and protect their reputation.


Connection to Mekanismen

CM1 introduces the Mekanismen feature as an add-on module for CM1 users. Essentially, this allows CM1 customers to use CM1 as an API for Swedish Tax Agency’s API by providing necessary account information to CM1.

Mekanismen is a technical platform that enables fast and efficient verification of the identity of account holders and safe deposit boxes at financial institutions. Connected authorities can use the platform to gain immediate access to information about these accounts and safe deposit boxes. The purpose is to prevent the use of the financial system for money laundering or terrorism financing.

Digital Authority Integration

CM1’s Digital Authority Inquiries service leverages a recently developed API with the capability to respond to API calls from the technical platform of the Swedish Police. These calls pertain to information about accounts, amounts, and transactions within financial institutions. It remains the responsibility of the customer to provide adequate information in compliance with the requirements establishGoed by the Swedish Police Authority.

CM1 ensures the availability of an API for direct utilization, either through the technical platform of the Swedish Police or via the financial institution.

Reporting files from CM1 to the Financial Intelligence Unit’s goAML

In cases where you identify suspected money laundering or terrorist financing that should be reported, you can create reporting files directly in CM1 for transfer to the FIU’s goAML system.

Reliability & Security

CM1 is certified according to ISO/IEC 27001:2013

GDPR-assured management, federated login and permissions configuration give CM1 a high level of security.

CM1 meets the requirements of GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation). Federated login with high anti-intrusion security is used to login to CM1. A number of different access roles can be set up, which increases security and control over the information set. The permissions structure gives you a clear overview of the various access roles and which specific permissions the respective administrator has.

Consulting, support & CM1 Academy

In addition to consulting and support, the service also includes training and the opportunity to exchange experiences through CM1 Academy

As a CM1 customer you will be invited participate in CM1 Academy. This includes annual basic training and advanced courses. There is also an administrative group in CM1 Academy where, in addition to the CM1 content, you will have the opportunity to exchange experiences, problems and solutions with other customers.

The support function provides you with administrative support and support for your enterprise customers, if you so wish. It is common for our customers to also request various forms of IT consulting, which we are happy to offer.

Compliance & Follow-Up

Case management, traceability and follow-up for compliance in your AML-work with reporting capabilities for your FIU.

Your AML/Fraud cases is handled in CM1 Case Management System where you can define the necessary steps for your organisation.

Reports are included in CM1 and can be used for both external and internal reports. The most common reports relate to basic statistics for ongoing follow-up and statistical data for reporting to Finansinspektionen. Here you can easily follow up on your customers and filter them by various segments like number of cases, politically exposed persons (PEP) and sanctions.

Support for creating reports via XML files to the those FIUs using goAML*.

*The goAML application is the UNODC Software Products for Member States’ response to money laundering and terrorist financing, and is available to Financial Intelligence Units of Member States to support their work.

CM1 Pattern recognition

With pattern recognition, the customer’s transaction data is analyzed to find new suspicious transaction patterns. Accepted scientific models are used to “train” the pattern recognition platform. Both supervised and unsupervised self-learning machine learning are used. We adapt the model based on each individual customer’s perspective and needs.

Criminal actors are constantly finding new ways to circumvent reactive transaction monitoring. With our service, we can pick up new behaviors more quickly.

With CM1, we now have the opportunity to build a self-learning, cost-effective and scalable solution for advanced and proactive transaction monitoring. The analysis consists of, among other things, identification of deviant patterns, time series, frequency and cluster analysis.

Implementing CM1

CM1 supports you throughout the whole journey: development, sales, implementation and support. With our many years of experience and expertise, you get support and guidance throughout the whole AML process. We have extensive experience of both national and international implementations from large and small companies and organizations. With us, you are safe throughout the entire process.

How implementing CM1 works?